Not only do squirrels enjoy making their way into homes and causing damage while making themselves comfortable, but they will also use your home as a pantry to store their winter's supply of nuts. As you can see from the video recorded by the professional technician at Fur Finder, it's quite the payout considering the invading squirrel loaded up the home's siding with nuts one by one.
If you suspect your home is turning into a winter casino of sorts for squirrels, raccoons or other wildlife, it's important to contact the professionals at Fur Finder so their expert staff and come to your home, size up your situation and deploy wildlife removal techniques that will quickly, effectively and permanently remove them. And, as always, the Fur Finder team only deploys non-lethal, humane services.
Call our experienced team today if you have a wildlife control or wildlife nuisance situation. Fur Finder is not only one of the best wildlife management companies in New Jersey, but we pride ourselves on providing our services at a fair price.